Honesty Above All
We play fair. We like clear business dealings, with no tricks or shortcuts. What we promise, we deliver.

Honor in Every Transaction
We do business with integrity. Our word is as valuable as a signed contract. We seek business relationships based on mutual trust.

No Monopolies or Market Manipulation
We believe in fair and healthy competition. We do not support or engage in practices that destabilize the market or promote unfair dominance.

Absolute Respect for Our Agreements with Booksellers
If we make a deal, we honor it. We value booksellers as strategic partners and fulfill our commitments without surprises.

Zero Tolerance for Opacity
We do not do business with those who manipulate prices, data, or any other market aspects dishonestly. Transparency is our guiding principle.

No Discrimination, But We Choose Wisely
We do not exclude anyone based on arbitrary criteria, but we work with those who share our values of ethics and commercial responsibility.

Seeking Fair and Sustainable Balance
We do not aim for short-term gains at the expense of long-term losses. We build business relationships that benefit all parties over time.

Our Customers Are Our Priority
We strive to offer them the best, ensuring they receive quality products and fair treatment in every transaction.

Innovation Without Losing Our Essence
We adapt to market changes without betraying our principles. Evolution and ethics go hand in hand.

We Are Urano World, and We Do Business with Purpose
More than just selling, we aim to contribute to a commercial ecosystem where everyone can thrive with honesty and balance.
